Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Next stop at Epcot: Munich, Germany!

I thought the Hokie Express bus driver was harsh driving away as I chased the bus out of Oak Lane in the pouring rain, frantically waving my hands… Eurail trains wait for NO ONE. I will definitely come home more time conscious..

First Eurail experience was fantastic and we met so many interesting people. German woman tried to help us with our pronunciations but there was virtually no hope... (“Goootin Tog???”). She let Kell and I read her German tabloid magazine full of casual nudity and 10 syllable words that I swear I go cross-eyed trying to read.

Seven hours later we got off the train in Munich and it was a beautiful combination of sideways-in-your-face snow and icy rain. We checked into Wombats hotel and went to a nearby club. Attempt # 3 at trying to request Destiny’s Child-Say My Name to the DJ. Much more promising response than last time but still no dice.. Absolutely not leaving Europe until I make this happen.

Saturday we woke up bright and early for a walking tour of Munich. Still subfreezing temperatures, snow/ice/hell mixture but we made the best of it and it was awesome seeing the city.

After the tour we went out to eat/tried to regain feeling in our toes. The menu was completely in German but luckily our waitress noticed the dizzy looks on our faces and brought out an English menu. Serious blessing because I noticed “small jar of lard” listed under “cold dishes”… ew.

I had my first bratwurst with fried potatoes! Germany is SO cheap compared to $witzerland that we couldn't help ourselves and stuck our extra free (FREE) bread in Jill's purse. We even took extra mustard packets because you never know when you’ll be in a urgent mustard-needing situation???

We wandered around the city walking through a market with fresh fruit, cheeses, meats and ATTENTION: the best street vendor of all time – chocolate covered fruit. They had apples, strawberries, pineapple, banana all dipped in chocolate. I fully intend on opening my own stand outside squires at Tech so no one move to Germany just yet.

We met up for a guided bar crawl around the city Saturday night. Visited 5ish bars including the famous Hofbrauhaus visited by Lenin, Hitler and Mozart.

Being the ultimate tourist I am I... 
1.      1. Got a pic with random German guy and his gravity defying beard…

2.      2. Convinced the guy playing traditional music on stage to throw up a gamma...

We woke up Sunday with all of our belongings and limbs still attached!

We spent the day Sunday visiting Dauchau, the first concentration camp, right outside of Munich. Haunting and heartwrenching to say the least... It was interesting from this perspective and much differenct from any holocaust museum I’ve visited.

The train home on Sunday was another great experience.. Took off my shoes and immediately regretted the fuzzy pink sock decision.. got some laughs from the locals who now think ALL Americans wear fuzzy pink and white socks...

I let the German man sitting across from us read some of my “Traveling Around Europe Guide” aka LIFELINE and got laughed at again when he saw I had double underlined/circled/highlighted the word “guten tag"...

The weekend ended up being a great success. Still cannot fathom the fact that I am able to travel like this every weekend.

Ciao for niao!!

Something learned: Things only cost an arm, leg, and torso in Switzerland.

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