This weekend we explored beautiful Florence, Italy. I met Ashleigh outside the train station on Thursday and we walked to her apartment through the colorful Italian streets that look like they were plucked straight from a movie set. Without a cellphone and virtually any form of communication it was a definite learning experience trying to stay in touch with my Lugano group and Ashleigh the whole weekend. What did they ever do without cellphones?? Messenger pigeons?? Smoke signals?? Real conversations?!?!
Thursday night we went to a family style restaurant called Il Gatto and La Volpe for dinner. Hands down some of the best food I’ve ever had and unlimited wine! Food baby is an absolute understatement. Four courses and top button of your pants pops after just the olive oil and bread. Needless to say we made a trip back Saturday night.
We explored the local bars and clubs on Thursday which are full of mostly American study-abroaders and creepy Italian men that know they are full of American study-abroaders…
We woke up bright and early Friday to explore the City. Went to see the David which might as well have its own museum. The David is like those barbies in plastic boxes that no one plays with. Puts everything else to shame. Pictures weren’t allowed but ofcourse one must try.
We climbed to the very top of The Duomo for gorgeous views of the entire city. Over 50 flights of spiral, claustrophobia-inducing staircases. So worth it to get to the top and see the whole city.
Next we visited the Uffizi museum which was HUGE. We developed the “anything covered in glass is important” theory so we could focus on the major artwork. I decided the painting description boxes underneath each painting are useless and they need “art history for dummies” boxes that are more relate-able for your average bear. I don’t care how deeply intellectual you look observing these paintings you can’t possibly take “The Portrait of the Dwarf Morgante” too seriously..
Ashleigh took us to a great panini place, the Ponte Vecchio Bridge and then the leather markets. Quite the experience. Shop owners didn’t seem to appreciate my indecisiveness ailment.
Things shouted at us at the leather market to get our attention:
1. 1. You eh bottiful (Italian accent)
2. 2. You dropped something!
3. 3. M’am is this yours?
4. 4. You eh Jennifer Aniston’s sista!
- Fell for the "you dropped something" EVERY time. How can ya not??
Due to extreme leather envy I went back Sunday morning and finally splurged on the bag I had been mentally obsessing over. I tried the “PLEASE I’m a struggling college student” approach with tears in my eyes and bartered down to 75 dollars for a big, dark leather messenger bag.
Saturday we took a wine tour through an old privately owned castle in Tuscany. Tried various Chianti wines and were able to explore the castle. SO now begins my hunt for an Italian, castle-owning husband..
Saturday night I was somehow convinced into staying up until 7am to watch the sunrise. Hiked up past the Ponte Vecchio Bridge in my three inch wedges to get a good view.
Some advice: figure out where the sun rises before you go to desperate measures to watch it.
Once second it was dark and then the next light. Either we unknowingly fell asleep and missed it or the sun was in back of us behind the hills. Did I mention I was in 3 inch wedges?? Still silently applauding myself. Made it back at 7am without a BLINK of sleep and a newly developed hatred for my favorite shoes.
Sunday, like any great tourists, we went to see the leaning tower of Pisa. Ofcourse in my head I imagined the famous leaning tower conveniently placed RIGHT outside of the train station.. But I guess they didn’t think through an easy sight-seeing location back then.. and it is NO hop skip away from the train, let me tell ya. Running on 3.5 seconds of sleep, lugging my 30 pound hiking backpack I somehow made it to the tower. I think I cried a little on the walk there out of complete exhaustion (symphony of violins.) One of those “could things get any worse?” and thunder strikes kind of moments. Had to remind myself I am traveling through the ITALY and cannot possibly complain.
(Jumping pics will be an ongoing trend. All captured on first attempt ofcourse.)
We ended up missing our train home which with a group of 20 plus Americans turns into a bit of a scene. We tried to nonchalantly sneak on to a later train without reservations but after getting booted from every seat we sat down in we ended up paying 8 euro to change our seats. We finally made it back to home-sweet-lugano exhausted, brain dead, limping, and probably a good 3 pounds heavier.
Ciao for Niao!
Something learned: I can’t do a handstand.. tried in front of the leaning tower and it didn’t go as planned.