Monday, June 4, 2012
African amazing two weeks in Kenya
“Great. Is it cool if I fly to Africa for two weeks??”
Confession: I was so nervous and unsure about my decision after purchasing my (not cheap) plane ticket I secretly emailed Ethiopian airlines to see if the tickets were refundable IN CASE I had a last minute meltdown. They responded with a short and blunt – No and I was finally able to get excited about the trip (knowing I had no option).
Things didn’t become real until our drive from the airport in Mombasa to Gede, where we were staying. Free-roaming cows waiting to cross the street like humans, little mud huts, women balancing giant fruit baskets on their heads (they have special hats that help.. a bit of a let down, I know). It’s clear right away that we stick out.. even more so than we do with our huge fold out maps and “Traveling through Europe” books in Italy.
MAMA EUNICE: “Head honcho” at Bambakofi school. Average bug chasing speed – 20 mph. Average walking to dinner speed – negative 2 mph. Unbelievably sweet and so hospitable.
Our “tour guide”
for two weeks. SUCH A GEM. Kindest human I’ve ever met, to date. Took
us on the safari, showed us Milindi, Mombasa, the Masai tribe and insisted on
buying us little woven bracelets on each stop along the way.
Our “fearless”
leader who earned his quotation marks after screaming like a 12 year old girl when his feet touched the seaweed at the beach haha. Nonetheless, he had 9 of our lives quite literally in
his hands and we love him/can’t thank him enough for making this trip happen.
Could not have been with a better group of people...Brought closely together by lack of internet and monster spiders. I was convinced by day 8 someone would snap
and lash out but we all held it together
It was difficult to ask
the questions we wanted to without sounding ignorant or unintentionally
offensive ("Where are all the zebras?!") We wanted to learn as much as possible from Eunice and Jackie but it
was important to be culturally sensitive. On that note… I did find out that the
Bachelor plays in Kenya and Jackie watches it! Making it multi-cultural and
acceptable to watch back in the states....
Visiting the students
around Bambakofi was one of the few/only experiences I’ve had this semester
that could truly not be imitated by Vegas or Disney. Kinda sad, but true! They
do an excellent job.
One of our safari vans
got stuck in the sand an uncomfortable 50 feet from a half-eaten gazelle carcass… no one
else seemed to be the least bit concerned but I couldn’t help but wonder if
anyone has been mauled mid-safari.
We decided to ration the m&ms and I felt like we were one m&m away from a Mean Girl’s "animal world" scene. I SWEAR this trail mix had a less than average m&m count....
Literally indescribably. Crystal blue waters, completely
empty. American beaches = Miley Cyrus Walmart BrandKenyan beaches = Vera Wang wedding gowns.
As cliche as it sounds, the nine of us came home and really wanted to make a difference. We fell in love with the students at Bambakofi and Kenya in general. The students at Bambakofi are more driven then my entire high school graduating class combined... they deserve the opportunity that most of us have to attend universities and earn degrees. To most it is unattainable. Students graduate from Bambakofi and more often than not cannot pay to continue their education. Our goal is to take these students "Beyond Bambakofi" and help fund their secondary and university educations. We are calling this THE TAALUMA PROJECT. :) We are working on creating a nonprofit organization with help from Brinberg. More to come !!!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Prague - Czech!
This weekend was our last weekend traveling (cue violin symphony L). I can hear the “but it’s our LAST weekend” excuses chiming in my head…
Despite the 48 hour continuous rain spell we were welcomed with… Prague is prague-ly the coolest city in Europe.
Slight prague-lem on our train ride there… On our first train a short announcement came on in German and all of a sudden everyone started filing off of the train. Some woman was nice enough to fill us in that the train was on fire! Call me crazy but when there’s a FIRE shouldn’t it be announced in more than one language? A blinking light or two?? We ended up switching to a different train and had sprinting (waddling) full-speed (hiking backpacks, rainboots and all) to catch our connecting overnight train in Zurich.
17 brutal, fidgety, painfully boring, spine-disalligning hours later…
We made it to Prague! We walked through Old Town Square and all it took was some traditional Trdelnik (we renamed swirlies…) and we were in love.
For dinner we went to “The Pub” where you can race against other countries in beer consumption. Essentially a keg in the middle of your table as you eat. Shocked America/college towns haven’t pioneered this! Afterwards we headed out to Karlovy Lazne – “The biggest music club in central Europe.” I found the oldies floor where the rubics cube-looking floor lights up like a disco ball and every song htat plays is one you can’t help but sing along to.
We danced until 5 am and then (cue “it’s our last weekend” excuse) we went to the Charles Bridge to watch the sunrise. This was the first time I’ve been sun rise ring leader instead of whiney girl dragging behind in broken heels.
6:00am – google search “sunrise time in Prague” – seriously what CAN’T google do??
6:30am – sit on bridge and try to decide which way is East..
7:00am – waiting…
7:05am – waiting…
7:10am – waiting…
7:15am – come to the conclusion the sun has rose but it’s impossible to see through the massive rain clouds..
7:20 – Marlee permanently fired as sunrise pact leader…
Something learned: 100 czech crowns are equal-ish to 5 US dollars. And I thought Euros felt like monopoly money…..
Ciao for niao!!
John Lennon wall!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Paris, France.
"The City of Love"
"The City of Lights"
"The City of Pretending Americans Don't Exist"
"The City of Chocolate Croissants, Crepes, Cheese, Baguettes and skinny people??"
Favorite things:
"The City of Love"
"The City of Lights"
"The City of Pretending Americans Don't Exist"
"The City of Chocolate Croissants, Crepes, Cheese, Baguettes and skinny people??"
Favorite things:
- Dogs that look like just like their owners and walk around with their chins in the air. French dogs are a breed of their own. An American dog wouldn't sit patiently and posed as their owner eats a ham and cheese sandwich.... That's for sure.
- Unhealthy daily crepe intake. "But we're in Paris!"
- The Eiffel Tower!! At night it sparkles every hour and it is impossible not to smile. It is your standard "What is the significance of this tower again?"- monument mixed with the Disney Cinderella Castle. AMAZING.
- All kinds of interesting people.... street performers, metro riders, shop owners, beggars. Even saw a few cliche Parisians in barrettes. :)
- You can pretty much climb up any major monument/tourist attraction in Paris. Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel, Notre Dame.. apparently looking and "ooh ahh"-ing isn't enough for us dedicated tourists.
Our hostel was FAR from luxurious and had terrible service. Don't worry I funneled all of my anger into a bad review on trip advisor. :) Probably shouldn't have expected much booking off of a "hiphophostels" website haha.
French was a tough language to master. I felt like any attempt at "excuse moi" or "oui oui" would be taken as mockery. So I went with the blank stare and Spanglish instead...
Friday night we went to the Lourve museum and saw THE Mona Lisa. Highly underwhelming.. but I saw it!
After we headed to the Eiffel tower and had some crepes and wine. :) Why can't the Washington Monument sparkle?!?! Wouldn't hurt would it??
Saturday morning we saw the Catacombs (piles of bones underground!), Notre Dame and the Museum d'Orsay. We got to Orsay 30 minutes before they closed and ended up running through it like chickens with our heads cut off trying to see the "important" things. I'm noooo art enthusiast but I ended up loving the museum. Degas and Signac are my favorites and what's cooler than being able to say I have fav artists??
Sunday I took my Eiffel Tower jumping pic and although not prime weather conditions, I got it first try! Reason enough to love Paris.
We stumbled into an awesome open air market near the Eiffel tower and took our time exploring. I've developed a fascination for outdoor markets in each city, they're all so colorful and different. Ended up buying a ring and a big baguette to help me look more native. :)
We walked down Champs Elysees to do some shopping and by shopping I mean drooling over Louis Vuitton and Gucci... We waited in line to get into Abercrombie which was SO over-the-top it was comical. A gate entrance with a huge garden and half-naked-cut-out-poster-looking models to greet you at the front door.
Last stop we headed to Versailles to see the palace. Once home to Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. As if a palace of nearly all gold wasn't enough it is surrounded by acres and acres of perfectly maintained gardens. The Louis' even had a "thrown room". Which got me thinking, Delta Gamma president should have her own thrown. :)
We explored for hours and then headed back to Paris for dinner and more Eiffel Tower-gawking. Paris is stunning and definitely somewhere you could spend weeks exploring. Tough to leave but ALWAYS a treat coming back to the Montarina.
Caio for Naio!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
PORTUGALlivanting around SPAINtacular
Some lessons learned:
I’m scared of waves
I’m beginning to think I’m narcoleptic.
They don’t wear sombreros, eat quesadillas/burritos or drink margaritas in Spain.
Tapas are for skinny people.
First stop: Madrid, Espana!
We arrived to Madrid EXTRA hangry (hungry/angry) and we’re sent to a nearby restaurant for traditional Spanish paella. Not our best meal… unidentifiable seafood and greasy rice… one has to wonder why a city nowhere near the coast would specialize in seafood dishes…
We took our first of many siestas (naps) and headed out to a HUGE 7 story club called Kapital. They had different music playing on every floor but don’t worry we managed to find the American 90s jams floor and I even go in some Destiny’s Child Kareoke. The Spanish don’t go out until 1:30am and casually leave the club when the sun rises at 7am. Nocturnal-ism. I gave it my best shot but my internal clock is still hating me.
I woke up Saturday morning with yep, you guessed it pink eye. -__-
The group tried to be nice but I could tell they wanted to put me in a giant bubble. Not a happy Spaniard but I pushed through and made the best. We went to a great tapas place for dinner called El Tigre. They served huge mojitos and unlimited tapas along with it. It was crowded, sweaty and loud but delicious and worthwhile.
Sunday the guys had tickets to the Real Madrid and Spain soccer game so we tagged along to try to scalp tickets. I was the girl who played soccer as a youngster strictly for the orange slices at half time… Long (not really) story short I ended up falling asleep for the entire game. Not just the casual head on the hand eyes getting heavy, full on laying down with my scarf as a pillow. In my defense we were in the nosebleeds, I was running on roughly 2 hours of sleep, and was still pink eye inflicted. Not my proudest moment but don’t worry great pal and Delta Gamma sister, Jill managed to catch pics at every angle and even a video of me nodding off.
Stop 2: Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon was BEAUTIFUL. I start every blog that way but something about Portugal was especially pretty.
Miles, Bryan and I took a surfing lesson Tuesday morning and it rang in as almost as frightening as night sledding. It occurred to me as we were walking out to the waves with the oversized board I wasn’t even capable of carrying that BOOGIE BOARDING scares me, let alone surfing… Our instructor was blunt about the terrible water conditions with comments like “these are not waves for beginners ” and “hopefully we don’t run into the rocks”.. I did a lot of nervous laughing and silent praying but it ended up being a more than worthwhile experience. I was the only girl and clearly scared out of my mind so our instructor stuck with me and helped keep control of my board/my head above water.
Once we got back we visited a small fishing town outside of Lisbon called Cascais. We walked up to a place called “Hell’s Mouth” a little cove on the coast that makes a growling sound as water splashes it. We watched the sunset, caught some amazing views and got dinner.
Last stop: Barcelona, Spain!
Favorite city so far. Another repeated blog phrase... We took our first bike tour of the city which was awesome- minus almost being mowed down by moving traffic several times.. I had NO idea what a huge deal this Gaudi fella was. No doubt, his architecture was beautiful and unique but come on he’s talked about like he single-handedly BUILT Barcelona. He was killed by a tram in the 1920s and ever since they have been outlawed.
My favorite thing in Barcelona was the the Boqueria, an open air market with fresh fish, fruit, candy, chocolate spices, waffles etc. An outdoor Wegmans, essentially. Our last night in Barcelona we bought shrimp and supplies at the market and cooked a dinner together at the apartment. Group bonding/ major teamwork activity. I stepped up to make Sangria (cut up fruit and dropped it in the premade sangria…….) Really made me question my cooking abilities. It might be time to expand from easy-break Pillsbury cookies when I get back.
Our last night in Barcelona we stayed up to watch the sunrise on the beach. I was limping on one heel and freezing cold. The sand felt like SNOW. Jacob was nice enough to give me his pants to stay warm (mostly to shut me up..) We were quite a sight to see.
Our journey back to Lugano didn’t go as smoothly as planned… and wasn’t planned at all to be quite honest. We took a 17 hour overnight train from Barcelona to Milan and then realized there were no outgoing trains to Lugano for the next 4 hours. We made the best and hung out at a nearby unlimited Chinese buffet. Stuffed ourselves with unlimited sushi, Chinese, pizza and managed to waste sufficient time. We met a women straight out of “Eat Pray Love” who is traveling around Italy by herself for 3 months. She travels purely off of where people tell her to go and says yes to EVERYTHING “within reason.” It was clearly some kind of mid-life crisis, but inspiring, nonetheless!
Ciao For niao!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
As NICE as it gets :)
Dramatic arrest scene outside the bus station (kinda)
Nutella/banana crepe. Enough said.
Yacht party… oh wait..
Nice Carnival parade that I’ll most likely have nightmares from until I’m 30
I’m always that girl wearing flip-flops across the drill field when there’s still snow residue on the ground so naturally I found myself in the French Riviera mid-February. :)
We got to Nice Friday and immediately went out in search of the beach. We explored and I got a nutella and banana crepe that I was holding out on until France (muchhhh more authentic). AMAZING. I don’t think I spoke during/20 minutes after consumption.
We went out to Wayne’s Bar at night. The tram there costs one euro and when you get on you’re supposed to slip your ticket through a stupid little machine to “validate” it. Since one euro is SUCH an investment…. we attempted to hold onto our tickets and not validate them so we could reuse them. Things didn't go quite according to plan and we were rushed off the bus by police and forced to pay 30 euros for having invalid tickets. I tried playing the dumb American card and even shed some REAL tears but got zero sympathy (not so “Nice”)… Sooooo 30 euros for a 5 minute bus ride and the right to say we were DRAMATICALLY arrested on the streets of Nice, France?
Fancy-shmancy ticket validater
Saturday we visited Monaco and Cap D’ail. Monaco - the second smallest country in the world and home to the most yachts, unreasonably nice cars and excessively rich people. Don’t worry I blended in in my VT hoody and running shoes. We partied on a few yachts (...took pics from every angle) played poker at the Monte Carlo Casino (...took jumping pic outside) and bought a few Valentino gowns (...walked past the designer stores).
Next stop was Cap D’ail a little, secluded, awesome beach right outside of Nice. You could sit for hours doing absolutely nothing and be happy as a clam. J
Saturday night there was a huge “Carnival of Nice” parade through the city. Creepy is a complete understatement… Imagine your scariest reoccurring childhood nightmare + the Zoolander brainwash scene.
After the parade we found a gelato place called Fennochio with the most flavors EVER. Beer, tomato basil, lavender, rose, sesame, olive (list goes on). I played it safe-ish with salted caramel – same comatose state as the crepe feast. Yum.
Sunday was “Francely” as “nice” as it gets. J We ran along the beach and up to the Chateau Castle Hill some fortress-y thing with a perfect view of the city. We sat on the beach and soaked up the FEBRUARY*** sunrays. I tried to lay in a lounge chair that cost 20 euro… and we walked through an awesome open air market. Fresh fruit, soaps, flowers, veggies and DON’T WORRY I managed to find basil, olive and tomato spread samples.
Do things from the market really taste better or is it the “I got it at the market!” appeal???
We ran back to catch our train and had a bizarre encounter with a strange, old woman. She stood glaring at us at the train station, followed us on the train, paced back and forth past our seat for 5 minutes and then whispered “it’s a shame your bags are here ladies I’d like to speak English to you.” Straight out of a horror film. I swear I heard the eerie, high-pitched violin playing in the background. I was 99% sure we had been voo-doo-ized but so far all is well!
Something learned: Public transit is no joke. Rules are rules y’all.
Monday, February 20, 2012
VeNICE, Italia
Just got back from Venezia, Italia! Definitely one of the most touristy places we’ve visited but rightfully so! It is so beautiful and unique. We felt very in our element among other “MUST not miss a photo-opp” travelers.
Crazed tourists exhibit A:
There are no cars on the main island of Venice, just channels of water with cute little gondolas and singing men wearing funny hats. There are also the less charming but still cool water taxis and ferrys. Our hotel was EONS away from the main island of venice which was both good and bad. We were able to see more of Venice and ride the gondola downgrades but also had to travel close to an hour to get to the mainland and walk down more than a comforting number of dark, graffiti-ed alley ways…
Carnival = the perfect mix of mardis gras and Halloween + gelato
Wish I could give a little synopsis on the history and origins of the venetian carnival tradition but we all still have no idea.. haha Everyone dresses up in crazy costumes and meanders the streets. We saw people dressed as Spiderman, car fresheners, zombies and Kelly was even attacked by “ghostbusters” running around with a net, leaf blower, huge light and music. We all bought masks which ofcourse for me was a decision making nightmare..
^Mile's mask
I couldn’t help but think of the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas as we walked through the city. Further confirming my theory that you can travel to Disney and Vegas and experience Europe for 1/16th the cost :P justttt kidding. But which is the real Venice below???
One things for sure you can’t get lost wandering aimlessly for hours on end at the venetian hotel butcha CAN in the real Venezia. Venice is tricky to navigate. You can’t help but feel like you’re in a mouse maze. We stuck to the wander-until-you-see-something-importantlooking/GELATO-approach. Never fails.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Destiny’s child say my name has FINALLY rung through Europe. The last place I would ever expect, a random hole-in-the-wall bar in the middle of Venice. This was enough to make my weekend/semester complete and push Venice up to top three favorite cities.
Saturday we took a ferry to the island of Murano, famous for it’s glass blowing. I somehow managed to miss the live glass-blowing demonstration but it’s youtube-able so I’ll just pretend. The glass was beautiful. Everything from tiny glass hippos to jewelry and pretty bowls with no apparent function. Every store I envisioned myself accidently knocking into something and starting a domino effect of glass sculptures… so glass souvenir shopping was short lived for Marlee.
Something learned: Italians are NOT in support of multiple ice cream samples before you make your choice...
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